Our Curriculum
All curriculum overviews for each class can be found on the class pages and each subject overview can be found on the drop down box in the curriculum tab.
We can also supply you with a paper copy of the curriculum coverage just ask our school office team who will download a copy for you, free of charge. Contact them on - 01422 831351
If you require any further information on our curriculum provision you can speak to your childs class teacher or the Subject Lead within school all listed below:
New Road Subject Leads
Numeracy - Mr McGrath
Literacy - Mrs Bolton
Reading Lead - Miss Ashton
Science - Miss Ashton
Computing - Miss Farmer
History - Mrs Bolton ( Sowerby Bridge Heritage - Mr McGrath)
Geography - Miss Provis
PE - Mrs Mitchell ( Active School -Mr McGrath)
RE - Miss Provis
ART/DT - Mrs Ryall
Music - Miss Ashton
PSHE/RSE - Mrs Greenwood
MFL - Miss Farmer