Our Federation Governance
New Road Primary School is part of a Federation working in partnership with Copley Primary School, therefore our Federation has a single Governing Body overseeing the work of both schools.
The Governing Body has a variety of duties and responsibilities set out by law. The Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, this is the job of the Headteacher and the Senior Management Team.
The areas of work that the Governors are involved in include the school's development and improvement plans, review of policies, monitoring of results and budget spending.
The Governors at New Road and Copley Federation work alongside the Headteacher and SLT team to provide an environment that provides the best possible education, care and support for all the children in both schools.
There are several categories of governor, appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school. Co-opted Governors are individuals from the community who are appointed by the Governing Body. The Local Authority appoint the LA Governors. Parent and Staff Governors are elected into the role and Headteachers are ex-officio. All governors have equal status, however they are appointed.
Our Governing Body also includes two sub committee's:
Finance and Resources Committee
The Finance and Resources Committee links the priorities in the School Development Plan to the budget, and evaluates the effect in the school of investing in these priorities. It monitors expenditure and income and takes action to revise the budget plan if the budget position is not in line with the set budget plan.
The Committee plans ahead (preferably for three years) taking into account factors such as pupil projections, condition of the school and realistic lifespan of equipment/resources to determine potential pressures on the budget.
Standards and Effectiveness Committee
The Standards and Effectiveness Committee provides support and challenge to the leadership of the school and to hold them to account in relation to the quality of educational provision including: the quality of teaching and learning, pupil progress and outcomes; the quality of the curriculum provision and delivery and the behaviour and safety of pupils.
See below for the list of all our Governors with their area of responsibility within the Federation.
The Chair of Governors, Phill Gee, can be contacted via email at- PGee@copley.calderdale.sch.uk
Click on the links below:
Governor Responsibilities and Pecuniary Interests 2024-2025
Governor Attendance 2021- 2022
Chair of Governors:
Phill Gee
Date of appointment to GB: 1/9/19
Date of appointment to CoG: 24/9/24
Responsibility areas: HT Performance Management, Children Looked After, Website Compliance
"I'm a New Road parent who wanted to try to help further by being a school governor. I work in I.T. by trade but I also coach an under 9s football team for Ryburn United so I get to meet all sorts of people and I enjoy being busy! It's a great honour to be appointed as the Chair of Governors and I'm looking forward to continuing the good work we've all been doing.'
Vice Chair:
Mathew Benson
Date of appointment to GB: 19/10/21.
Date of appointment to VC: 24/9/24
Responsibility areas: HT Performance Management, SEND/Inclusion
Staff Governors :
Mrs Sharon Harwood - Headteacher, New Road & Federation Executive Head
Mrs Sarah Hemingway - Headteacher, Copley
Mrs Tina Bolton - Class Teacher/ Literacy Lead, New Road
Parent Governor:
Ian Potts
Date of appointment: 7/11/17
Responsibility areas: Pupil Premium
Local Authority:
Gillian Bush - Date of appointment: 1/9/18. Responsibility areas: SEND/Inclusion, Safeguarding
Alex Mutch- Date of appointment: 1/9/19. Responsibility areas: Sports Premium
Chris Bouckley- Date of appointment: 26/9/23.
Lisa Williams- Date of appointment: 26/9/23. Responsibility areas: HT Performance Management, Safeguarding
David Ryan - Date of appointment: 24/9/24. Responsibility areas: Health & Safety
Clerk to Governors:
Helen Kay
Date of appointment: 1/9/16